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Promoted by:

Tuscany Region – Sector “Air Quality, industrial risks, integrated prevention and reduction of air pollution”.

In cooperation with:

ARPAT, University of Florence, University of Pisa, LaMMa, Teche Consulting and Superior Health Institute.

Main scientific objectives:

to provide reliable and scientifically exact elements both about the spatial distribution of the PM10 concentration level (in particular in the areas of Tuscany where the parametrs provided by the regulation have been exceeded) and about particulate composition and origin (inorganic and organic substances, primary, secondary and tertiary nature, entity and nature of the natural contributions, sources identification, sanitary risk).

FAI Instruments involvement:

For the PATOS project, FAI Instruments supplies instruments appropriate for the research goals, gives assistance to its partners during the installation of the intruments, provides all needed instructions for the instrument management, guarantees ordinary maintenance service and repairs interventions and offers software upgrades and modifications that could be necessary in order to conform instruments to the goals of the project.

Every site selected for the Project is equipped with a FAI Instruments Mod.HYDRA Dual Sampler – Automatic sequential sampling system of particulate matter, working simultaneously on two independent sampling lines.

In ciascun sito scelto per il Progetto è presente un campionatore a due linee indipendenti FAI

All instruments supplied by FAI Instruments allow the PATOS project partners:

    • to sample using different types of filter membranes (Teflon, quartz fiber, Polycarbonate, Glass fiber)
      to select fractions 10, 2.5 e 1 micron
      HYDRA Dual Sampler can work with any sampling inlet (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) within the operating flow rate range 0.8 ÷ 2.5 m3/h. In compliance with the Project needs, the instruments Mod. HYDRA are equipped with sampling inlets certified EPA and EN 1234.1
    • to memorize all parameters useful for the running check (flow rate, temperature, pressure drops, etc.)
      All the data and the carried out operations are stored in the internal buffer of the instuments and they can be analysed in local or in remote.
    • to manage the instrument from remote via GSM and SMS
      HYDRA Dual Sampler equipped with a GSM Modem, for a complete instrumental control from remote. Using this modem it is possible to automatically send to the operator via SMS diagnostic warnings.

to keep particulate samples at controlled temperature

  • The instruments supplied by FAI Instruments to the partners of the PATOS project are equipped with an innovative system for the sampled filters thermostatation allowing to keep the samppled filters unloader at controlled temperature within the range 0 – 6 °C, guaranteeing the chemical stability of the gathered samples.

The project will use another instrument engineered by FAI Instruments too: Multichannel OPC Monitor: for the characterization in real time and in continuous of the suspended
particulate matter ( > 0.3 µm ) granulometric distribution.

Number and size of contiguous granulometric classes are programmable.

This version can work both in standalone mode, using internal processor and memory, or connected to an external PC for data storage and processing

Besides, for the monitoring and the interpretation of the mixing condition data of the PBL (Planetary Boundary Layer) low layers, the project uses the instrument FAI Mod. PBL Mixing Monitor – sampler/monitor for natural radioactivity. This instrument samples on hourly basis the atmospheric particulate matter where Radon progeny fixes and, by a Geiger-Muller counter, it determines the sample radioactivity level. The instrument engineering characteristics allow to get 24 averages per hour of the natural radioactivity values per every sampling day.